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Scum at 2:02 p.m.

My workplace is full of cliques, none of which I belong to and am not to happy about that fact. Well, it's not that I'm unhappy, it's just that it's like high school all over again and I don't fit in one nice compartment. I'm in a precarious middle management position that straddles my capabilities to make friends. See, I spend a lot of time holed up in conference rooms with the CEO and VPs but I'm 30 years younger than these people. The young hipsters (the group I'd most like to be with) thinks I'm too corporate. And the Corporate Group thinks I'm too young and wild to be in their inner circle. Not that I want to be in *that* circle but if they upped my salary I'd let them take me for a ride now and then.

This guy is really an ass. It took you this long to try and pretend to be a decent human being knowing damn well that this poor, teenage retail worker won't be able to use that finger now.

The following link enthralls me but but does not make me a racist. I have always thought this and the same would apply to white kids. Name your kid appropriately people! You doom them with these horrid names. They aren't 'ethinic' nor or they part of your culture that you're trying to hold on to. They are mean and to be made fun of. I sent my husband this article and look what he sent back!

My next folly is absolutely stolen from Mimi Smartypants and I hope she doesn't care. I assume her fanbase is WAY too cool to be anywhere near my meager online drivel but this link was too good to pass up. I want to join this family as soon as possible. I mean my family is totally nuts and I'm shocked everytime I bring my husband to a family gathering that he doesn't run screaming to a divorce lawyer. Yes we have lots of alcohol, too many folks hiding behind the trees smoking pot, and way too much swearing. But this family beyond rocks.

I will probably piss off some by showing this article but I've always hated this woman! I mean I read her columns religiously and have for years but I've always found a little inkling in her tone that she thinks she's better than the rest of us.

And lastly, a bumper sticker I saw about an hour ago. Now let me go on record that I am against all bumper stickers in principal alone. Sticking something to your car just annoys me. What is so damn important that you have to let everyone know? I don't care if your kid is an honor student or if you support the Govenator. Big whoop. But this one said: It's a scientific fact that scum rises to the top. It made me think. I haven't risen to the top. I've been in the same dead end job for years. And I have no cool friends here either (see above) so maybe its just because I'm not scum. I'll have to think about that.

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