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Vegas Part I at 12:18 pm

I just spent the last five days in Las Vegas. This is going to be a three-part post, as you can�t sum up Vegas in a few short paragraphs. You just can�t. I went to Vegas not for business or pleasure but more of a family obligation. For some reason I flew Southwest without thinking that there was a reason I stopped flying with them about 10 years ago. The suck and they are unorganized and it is a like a flying circus. The flight attendants are about twelve years old and act like it and the pilot sang a song during the flight. I don�t if it�s just me but I want the pilot to you know, FLY THE PLANE and not worry about entertaining the passengers. Southwest may be cheap but you really get what you pay for and I�d pay a lot more to fly with a little dignity next time.

Lets begin with my arrival in Vegas on Thursday afternoon. I offered to meet my host at her office instead of having her have to deal with all the airport traffic. It took me about 20 minutes to get a cab (the lines, the lines!) and the cabbie (female) loaded my bags into the trunk and I plopped into the back seat. Here�s what ensued:

Her: Where to?

(I give her the street address and name of the company)

Her: (real snotty tone) I don�t know where that is.

Me: Oh, it�s real close, only about 3 miles from here.

Her: Well, I have no idea where that is so can you get directions?

Me: Uh, I guess.

(I call my host and explain that I�m in the cab and the cabbie doesn�t know how to get where I�m going.)

Host: You�re in the cab? And they don�t know how to get here? Jesus! That is ridiculous. As her if she knows where (insert restaurant) is.

Me: Do you know where this place is?

Her: No, I don�t know where that is. I need better directions from you.

Basically I wanted to jump out of the cab at this point but she�d pulled away from the curb and my luggage was in the trunk. I spent five minutes on my cell phone giving the driver directions. It was ridiculous. The office I was going to was one block off the strip on a major street in a major corporate office park. When we arrived I was so annoyed that we had one last exchange.

Me: Sorry about all that. I thought it would be easy you know since YOU live here and I don�t. Oh, and YOU ARE A CAB DRIVER and I AM NOT.

Her: Silence.

Me: (in my head) �Oh god, she�s going to shoot me!�

Her: You�re right. No charge.

Me: Thanks, what a warm welcome to Vegas. You might want to try buying a map before you pick up your next fare.

What is up with that?

Stay tuned for part two which will include some lovely photos as well as the ultimate description of the Vegas tourist.

In the meantime,

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