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Date Me at 10:50 am

Although we have about 500 CDs, this morning I picked out "World of Dance: New Wave in the 80's" for my commute to work. Ah, this is a keeper. Remember Heaven 17? I had forgotten! And of cource Dexy's Midnight Runners will always put me in a good mood.

The nostalgia of the music brought me to (in some roundabout way) remember what it was like to be dating. I've been married for about a year and a half so there was a good timespan in my twenties that I was single. The Head's Blog always had lists that were good so I made my own:

Reasons I�ve stopped dating a guy. Most of these occurred after the first date.

1. We made out for two hours on a cruise ship one night and the next morning at breakfast he pulled me aside and said, �What was your name again?�
2. We really hit if off at a party for a mutual friend and made plans to meet for coffee. I found out (before the date) that he was actually gay and was looking to have sex with a woman to see what it felt like.
3. A guy took off his cap at Caf� Bernardo and little flakes of dandruff blew onto the table.
4. He was wearing a gold nugget watch. *
5. He found out my sister�s name, looked her up in the phone book, and called to her to find out when would be a good time to propose. We had only had one date and she had no idea who he was.
6. He told me he was a police officer but when pressed for more details he said he actually worked security for Brinks.
7. He was fifteen years older than me and after one coffee date he invited me to a friend�s wedding saying, �he wanted to show me off to his buddies.�
8. He told me that I had a hot body but could stand to lose a few pounds. I weigh barely 100 lbs. Did he want the collapsed vein look?
9. He was way more into Melrose Place than I was and wanted to talk about it constantly.
10. He showed up with a rather large belt buckle that I couldn�t get past.
11. He didn�t tell me that he had a 3 year old daughter and then tried to explain that if I was fine with him having a dog, what�s the big deal in having a kid?

* Gold nugget watch guy actually left said watch on an end table in my house when he dropped me off and I (being stupid) let him in for a drink. Then he wanted to come pick it up (wink, wink). I sent it UPS back to him.

I was catching up on the news this morning and noticed the graphic here in regards to the obesity story. Some editor at the station is hopefully getting fired about now. A fat stomach in front of an elementary school map of the United States?

I was also reading the story about Scarlett Johansson's fender bender while trying to get away from scary photographers. While this trend seems to be moving forward and getting scarier by the week, I was put off by this sentence:

"A Mercedes representative arrived soon afterwards with a new car for the actress to drive home. "

Can you imagine? I doubt that if I got in a car accident that Honda would be coming by to make sure I got home in one of their cars.

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