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Martha I am not at 1:01 p.m.

Don�t let this happen to you. Why don�t they mention his age? It seems like he�s an adult since he checked himself into a hospital. I actually relish the notion that I�m old enough to check myself in for a little mental R&R if necessary but really, what adult gets that upset over Christmas gifts?

Our New Years may be a bust. We have almost no plans and are considering doing a home project. I don�t know when we became �that� type of couple but we�re fast approaching. You know the type. Leading out of fun and social and becoming a tad too domestic. I�m not Martha Stewart or anything but damn, I do cook a lot.

Americans shouldn�t speak. This example should explain why. I find it hard to believe that people who basically collect a paycheck speaking say things like this. And you know what? We are stingy. Deal with it.

I am steal dealing with my obsession with centipede. I�m asking for this centipede
cocktail table for my birthday.

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