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Help! I need rehab at 3:59 p.m.

I just discovered that I'm being referred to as the 'blog hooked coworker' and I found the moniker quite amusing. I love to be referred to pretty much anything beyond 'that bitchy cheerleader' which pretty much sums up high school and college for me. Plus, the fact that I could be 'hooked' on anything is very funny. So kudos to him for pointing this out and a shout out (get it?) to me for being so damn cool. (This is a joke. If you know me you'll know it's a joke.)

I'd also like to make one work related comment that cannot be traced back to me. About a year ago I ended up in the hospital (no, not THAT hospital) and my coworkers were not very sympathetic at all. I received a card signed by a few and a visit from a few that were friends outside of work. Today, someone who almost no one knows ended up in same said hospital and there was a flurry of activity as a large group argued over sending flowers or a balloon bouquet. For a grown man! A grown man who is semi-odd and has a strange disposition. Now I know I only had my appendix removed and it is the useless organ and all that but I could have died! (insert huge drama here) I guess it's times like this that you see your real place on the food chain at the office.

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