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Slave to the weather? at 8:18 a.m.

Is the government playing a trick on me? We have been warned about this weather forecast for two days now. It is ridiculous. The story in yesterday's paper actually said to "get your shopping done today as you won't be able to leave the house after Friday morning." It rained for about 20 minutes yesterday and then was sunny all day. They had breaking news in the middle of regular tv programming last night to 'warn' of the impending storm and to basically be prepared. Again, it rained for about 20 minutes last night and it's now Saturday morning and it is bright and sunny. We have decided to defy the weatherman (or woman in our case) and take the dog up to the snow today. So I am going to cram my butt into my ski pants, put on some gloves, and give it a go. I'll report back later if we encounter anything in the realm of what they're saying is the 'storm of the century.' The frustrating part is that both my mom and my sister have called to see if we're ok as both their papers (different cities in a different state) have run stories about this Northern California storm being a convergence of three storms (called the Polar Express like the cartoon) only happening once in a 100 years being a huge deal. I think the government is tricking us into staying home this weekend to help out with traffic or drive down retail sales. Either way I feel like some type of robot being told to stay indoors when it's damn springlike outside!

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