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Attack of white trash at 12:34 p.m.

The WalMart thing is getting out of control. A few letters to the editor from today's paper: both are brilliant.

Our 'Cow Town' image
Re "Mall owners try to widen appeal," Dec. 28: By all means let us have a Wal-Mart in the Downtown Mall. I cannot think of anything that will cement our "Cow Town" image better.The only thing missing in the drawing are the hitching posts.
The most practical solution would be to move Nordstrom downtown and put Wal-Mart in the Arden Mall. That way the suburbs can stay intact and just possibly we can maintain some decent shopping downtown.
This may come as a shock to the cow town powers that be, but not all of us shop in discount stores. It is almost a crime in this town to have anything that represents civilized living.

Downtown Wal-Mart
A Wal-Mart located in the Downtown Plaza would create a "perfect fit." Consider the facts: Lots of homeless people. Lots of beggars. Parking is no problem. The confined existing parking can be re-striped to accommodate all the stolen grocery carts. All the pallets from the cheap imported items can be given to the customers as a fuel source for their camp sites (currently approved by local judges) down by the river.The police station is walking distance, so the police won't need a cruiser parked at the front door (like they have in Elk Grove 24/7).
And after Wal-Mart has chased away all the good old stores that have been there for decades, it can be called "Downtown Wal-Mart." That should be a real big draw for the "upscale dining" and "unique shopping experience" that the city is currently promoting.

We watched this movie this weekend and let me tell you, strange to say the least. Not awful though. Followed up by "1941" directed by Steven Spielberg. It had potential but I couldn't figure out why the starring actress looked so familiar. She looked so familiar that it deterred from the actual viewing and drove me to want to rip my hair out of my scalp. Turns out it was Nancy from Eight is Enough. My god, who cares?

I love this story about teenagers of today as it sounds like a modern form of the movie Footloose which was stupid then and even more ridiculous now. Dancing? What is this the bible belt? Get with it.

And lastly, you can run but you can't hide.

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