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pain in brain at 11:44 a.m.

I know it's not right to steal but The Head's blog has
this link
and it's too good to pass up. I love the movement too! And if you're reading this, you can steal whatever you'd like from here. Unfortunately you are probably too cool to do so. I understand.

I was looking through my high school yearbooks last night and decided to google a bunch of old classmates and see if they have exciting jobs. Weird? Stalker-ish? Not at all. Just curious. Oh, and yes, they all have more exciting jobs than me. Way more.

I hate this idiot as I refuse to believe that a nail gun backfired into his mouth and he didn't know it. Although I feel bad for his situation, I think he's making a media frenzy so he can get his medical bills paid. Did you notice that all the articles mention that he doesn't have medical insurance and that his hospital costs will exceed 80K?

This proves my point about us petite gals being able to stuff our faces and not gain a pound. I myself ate an entire plate of fried calamari out with friends on Saturday night. Everyone at the table decided they were too fattening after I had ordered them so I scooted the plate in front of me only and scarfed. Losers.

I'm reluctant to admit my fascination with hollywood but just in case you care, I think that Paul Abdul should stop trying to be sexy as she always looks so awful. I don't understand and am constantly perplexed by her choice of outfits. I am not a fashionista myself but if I had as much money as she does I would assume I'd have a staff of people at my beck and call to make sure I looked good. Nice smashed boob.

This is probably in bad taste but I'm going to promote it anyway. My parents are really religious. In the crazy, hard core way. In the I received a Thomas Kincaid limited print as a wedding gift way. I doubt they'd appreciate jokes about Jesus. But they should.

And lastly, let's end with this and still stay in the same anti-religious mood.

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