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useless me at 2:39 p.m.

Has anyone watched this show on A&E? It's quite entertaining and I do recommend it if you haven't. I would be mortified if I showed up on it though. Embarrassing! Yet they must sign waivers (I'm married to a lawyer, I know these things) so they know they are going to be seen like this. Yikes.

I don�t understand. How could this really happen? I work in this field. You don�t just publish (in any format) pictures of someone without their permission. It�s unheard of and unethical. It�s also illegal as the stupid people at Folgers are now going to get used to while they sign this check. But man, wouldn�t I LOVE to grab a box of Macaroni and Cheese and see my mug on the side taking a big bite? I know macaroni and cheese is kind of trashy but Kraft a lot of money so that�s where I�m going with this.

I sometimes buy small pre-packaged things to put in A's lunch that I pack everyday. I like to buy things that are semi good for him but are still convenient. So we have like 20 mini packages of Fig Newtons. Not sure what I was thinking as they aren't very good. Regardless, I just ate one at my desk. The small package brought me right back to 2nd grade although in my case it would have been some carob coated nut health bar. Just sitting here eating it makes me want to slap on a Scooby Doo bandaid, grab by backpack, and catch the bus home.

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