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Supersize my whizzinator at 2:45 p.m.

Plum Win doesn't rock. She's too obsessed with the decline of Britney Spears! Just look at you, Britney! Please stop eating the Doritos and drinking the energy drinks. Also, if you're trying to portray a new image, ditch the white trash cutoffs. They aren't working for you.

News of the day:
Los Angeles Deputy City Attorney Robert Cha told Celebrity Justice that authorities had recovered from [actor, Tom] Sizemore a prosthetic penis attached to a pair of men's underwear holding a container filled with clean urine.

The device, sold on the Internet under the name "The Whizzinator," is often used to try and falsify drug test results. It retails for $150 and comes complete with dehydrated urine and heat packs designed to keep the sample at the proper temperature

On one hand, ingenious. On the other, just plain gross. I love the name though. The Whizzinator!

If you haven't seen this movie,do so now.

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