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We Will Rock You at 11:20 a.m.

Back from Vegas. Good trip but man, that travel will haunt you for days afterward. Lets just say that the crowd on the flight from Sacramento to Vegas is the worst. Bottom of the barrel. I know I live here but I didn't start here and damn it, I don't consider myself from here. And futhermore, I am going to Las Vegas because my parents live there. I don't have a choice. The crowd on this flight consisted of people from Sacramento (or outlying, far worse areas) that had saved their money for a year for the $99 flight so they could go to Las Vegas to drink for free. I hate to say it but I will. Hicks. Every single one of you. Especially the guy I sat next to that had six Budweisers on the flight there. It's a 55 minute flight. But it was first class and the drinks were free. Oy vey.

Thank god that we've got our own Mary Kay type rapist story to call our own. I love these women! Now to those who have kids, I mean no harm. I just find it amusing in a "you are SO stupid" type of way.

Can she get any uglier? God, you have enough money, can't you get a stylish? Or at least a haircut?

Best for last. And particularly for bird who will understand. This hot guy starred in the "We Will Rock You" musical I just saw. He was dreamy in the 'heroin chic, baggy pants, knobby knees, throw you down, hair in the eyes type of way. He had that smirk. Ah, that smirk. Haven't located that in a long time.

Quips like this are so stupid:

OFF THE KOB: Korn guitarist Brian "Head" Welch announcing on a Bakersfield radio station that he has quit the rock band after finding God.

Another one bites the dust. (they played that song in the show, it was great!)

Guys,watch out!

If only I weren't married. I'd be all over this guy.

Visit me please

If anyone is following the story on DQ University like Bird and I are (due to the laughable quality of the students attending), you'll be happy to know that I found out that DQ does NOT, in fact, stand for Dairy Queen but for Deganawidah Quetzalcoatl.

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