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Britney, we're waiting at 2:19 p.m.

Open messages to the spam I�ve received today:

Thank you, Christian Mortgage Refinance companies. Gee, there are a lot of you! How did I ever get on your list? Well, in any event, I don�t need to refinance thank you very much. I did that last year. If you know me, check my file. It�s done, I got a great rate, and I don�t want to discuss my mortgage anymore. Now, if you seriously have a direct line to god and he wants like to pay part of my bill each month, let me know.

Thank you, Divorce Specialists of California. Thank you for letting me know that my husband could possibly be getting a secret divorce from me right now! Gads! I had no idea. One small problem. He�s a lawyer so through osmosis I know a little about the law. He can�t get a secret divorce from me. Plus, I don�t have anything good for him to try to secretly get away from me. I�m broke.

Thank you, Wow. That�s about all I can say in trying to figure out how I got on your list as well. I just have to tell you that I�m not really the condom type. I�m so sorry but I�m not your target market anymore. Move on.

Thank you, Quick Cash Advance People. I know you mean well. Really. Well, sorta. Really you prey on people that need money and don�t have the capability of getting a real loan. I am not one of those people. Again, please check your records if you know me so well. I have a job. I own a home. I can get a good loan. I don�t need you.

Thank you, Deals@ blah blah. Thank you for considering me as your new software researcher! I appreciate the consideration. Really I do. The problem is that I have no technical experience whatsoever. None. I can work from home you say? It sounds fun but I�m going to have to pass. You should have looked at my resume a little more closely before offering up this fine opportunity. Oh wait, you don�t have my resume.

To wrap things up for today:

I would (as we all know) quit my job if I had to miss this. I'm counting the days.

This,on the other hand, is ridiculous.

I haven't seen Natalie today and now I know why.

This news article I found regarding a wheelchair beauty pageant has all the trappings of brilliance. Now, lets all be clear: I am not against pageants in general. I can get into the whole Miss Teen USA and such. But I draw the line at this. There were five contestants. FIVE If you are in a pageant competing against four people that means there were only four other people in your league and you probably shouldn't advertise that. But, that aside, they stripped the winner of her crown for appearing in a newspaper standing up. Standing up I say! I mean its not like she was engaging in porn or torturing small animals. I'm appalled.

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