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Bloggywood at 12:14 p.m.

Happy Friday!

Lets look at the difference between my work environment and A�s work environment. Today I came in and realized that someone had used my office last night and spilled a soda. Everywhere. I am a neat freak and my office was spotless when I left last night, not a post it note to be found. This morning there was soda all over my keyboard and splashed all over my monitor. Furthermore, there were two people yakking on their cell phones in the bathroom, one screaming profanity at her boyfriend. It was so bad that I couldn�t pee and had to go back to my desk.

A�s work is celebrating �Staff Appreciation Day� today. They all had to dress up, lunch is being catered with white linen and real silverware and cocktails will be served at 2pm. Must be nice.

This is right along the lines of all the spam I�ve been getting promising me Christian tax specialists to help me with my taxes (already done, idiots), Christian dating matchmakers to help me find a man (already married the perfect atheist, jerks), and Christian loan specialists promising to help me get a loan (don�t need one, pricks).

My brilliant husband is going to be on tv next week! Well, I am going to be on tv as well but I am not going to be speaking. We are being featured in a news piece and after talking with the reporter for a few minutes beforehand, I think everyone agreed that I couldn't funtion on camera. I did get to be the 'doting wife' in a few outside shots and just be cute in general for no reason and having nothing to do with the story. Perfect. Needless to say I don't think Hollywood will come calling anytime soon for me.

I love catching up on what today's youth are getting into these days. I thought we were bad. Ok, I'm kidding. I can't believe this is actually a problem worth addressing.

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