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Flick Me at 1:37 p.m.

God this day seems to never want to end. Really. A. is sick at home and my day seems to be dragging on at some snail's pace. I'm hoping to quarantine A. so that I don't get whatever he has. I'm sure the damage has been done over the weekend though and now it's just a waiting game. Oy vey.

The only good thing about A. being sick is that I'm driving his car. Well, technically its OUR car but he drives it to work during the week. I forget how much I love it until I drive it again. The horsepower! The light turns green, you tap on the gas, and all the other cars that were right next to you are at least a half a mile behind you.

I've become semi-addicted to Craigslist only because I love seeing what people expect from the world in general. It is sometimes astounding. This poor Mother can be seen as good or bad on many levels. On one hand, she's saying 'hey, I can't do this alone can I get some help?' which shows her honesty in that being a parent is probably pretty difficult. On the other hand, weak. I'm sure teenage boys suck and I know that teenage girls at that age (especially me) are extraordinary difficult to deal with, but asking for someone to come in and parent for you is a little too much charity. Buck up, ground your kid, and get on with your life. My favorite aspect of her whole posting is that while she's basically asking for a free babysitter, drug counselor, friend, and buddy for her loser son, she makes a clear statement that relgious zealots are not needed or wanted. Good call.

Ads like this freaky hooker girl type one are seen almost daily on Craigslist. It's the ones like this, that are so damn forceful about their intentions, that I relish. If you really aren't selling your body, why not ask for money from EITHER sex, you dingbat?

Dude, you don't have any any friends cause you're too stoned all the time. They probably gave up on you ages ago when you 'forgot' to answer your phone, etc.

Wait, I spoke too soon! This lovely creature is looking for a stoner that is poor to shop at WalMart with her. Oh my god. These two are perfect for each other. I wonder if the first guy is too stoned to leave the house though?

I like to give credit where credit is due but lets just say I was reading a story about porn in a London Newspaper. It had this phrase which I will now use to describe pretty much anything. Flicked her switch. As in "It really just flicked her switch." Isn't it grand? You know what would really flick MY switch right now? If this day would just be over.

Update: Just had to say that I got even more bored and googled "Flick Her Switch." Wow. Who knew? It gave me a bunch of hits and then at the bottom (when it suggests something different that you may be trying to find) it says 'Did you mean Lick Her Switch?" See, now lick her switch is even funnier. Yes, I did want that as a matter of fact. Lick her switch. Priceless.

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