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sex and violence at 15:18

I saw A History of Violence this weekend and all I can say is wow. Everyone should give this movie a gander. Be forewarned that there is a lot of graphic violence (people getting shot in the face and not dying right away) and a lot of graphic sex (after getting hit a few times she lets him take her on the stairs) but the plot is great and the acting is intense.

I've never wanted to be famous. Really. Can you imagine everyone knowing your business all the time? I have skeletons in my closet like everyone else and I'd prefer them to stay there. But this poor freak shows us exactly why it would be awful to have your private life become public. Disclaimer: I don't like country music and have no clue who this guy is really. An alert reader sent me the link. Seriously. FYI, I'm allowed to use disclaimers on my own site. I make the rules.

This local Sacramento news guy has been on my radar lately. He bugs me. Big time. I can't get past the fact that Monica Woods married him. I also can't get past the lame jokes and pseudo-sexual comments he makes with Deidre on the morning newscast. Read his bio. How old is he and why did he sing live with the Beach Boys? Seems a tad made up but what do I know.

Another disclaimer: Do not read anything into my linking to this story as I mean nothing by it. It caught my eye, I think it's fun, and I'm sharing it with the three of you. Oh, maybe four now.

Neat. Blind dating! No one should be left out.

I don't mean to bash on Sacramento all the time but this example of people here has to make you laugh. It is wrong on so many levels.
A. Robots B. Calling the clerk an asshole C. Very pregnant?

Lastly, shout out to my friend Navin and to my special guest blogger: Navin, keep your shirt on (that will be a bit when you see the above mentioned movie).

Guest blogger: Hurry up with the rewrite.

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