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Reader #5 said:

"Hey Plumwin. That was hilarious! Great entry. I regularly shop at the Natural food Co-Op and there has been a "homeless" guy parked out in front of their parking lot for what seems over a month, occasionally changing his sign so as not to baffle the people who have already given him money by not being gone after getting his gas/bus/dinner/whatever money. I was getting into my car the other day and saw him retrieve a hidden cell phone from the bushes not far from where he was sitting, cup in hand. Apparently he needed to call home to find out what was for dinner. Me, cynical, well maybe."

2006-01-24 13:44:27

Smed said:

"If there are any homeless here - all they would want is meth. "

2006-01-24 14:16:20

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