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Lela said:

"So, is this office going to refund you for all the late charges you recieved because THEY were short of staff, which really has nothing to do with you in the first place? Not only is that inept and lazy, but with all the people in california who are out of jobs right now and need work, to have the mail not be delivered at all is a poor excuse. I say you take this as far as you can go, calling and comlaining everyday and all that stuff. Bill collectors don't care if "the mail didn't come". Completely ridiculous."

2006-01-29 13:35:08

Plumwin said:

"The person at corporate actually said to me that it is very, very difficult to find 'qualified' postal workers. He made it seem like they were looking for brain surgeons or something."

2006-01-29 13:49:26

Mr. PlumWin said:

"Maybe we should request the hot blonde mail carrier that delivers along broadway? Grrrowl!"

2006-01-29 14:08:33

Reader #5 said:

"Hi Plumwin. That is unbelievable. Unacceptable and unbelievable. I work in employment and I can assure you that they would have NO problem finding candidates if they were actually looking and being reasonable in their search. For instance, not taking eight months to hire a single employee because their HR staff are so terribly overworked. That is the type of excuse that would be the likely "cause" if left to their deliberations. I suppose they need to be paid at a higher rate and perhaps be given better benefits. I am even more certain that those would be their solutions to this outrageous and ridiculous problem."

2006-01-29 18:52:58

RonTopofIt said:

""The United States Postal Service� is an independent establishment of the Executive Branch of the United States Government. It operates in a businesslike way." I've always had an issue with this vague explanation of the USPS's role in our government. Seems like they get to make money hand over fist, but are at the same time above reproach. At any rate, I've had the same problems with the mail on my side of town, too. Same excuse, same delays, etc. My favorite moment was when Johnny droopy drawers began delivering our mail one week. Gold chains, hat on backwards, the works. Turns out, when the new carriers are on probation they are not required to wear a uniform as they are also required to pay for it themselves. businesslike. "

2006-01-29 23:39:40

Svartus McCool said:

"Postage paid return busines mail envelopes are great for getting rid of trash. Tape em on a box, insert old tires, bricks, etc., and send away (you may have to drop off at post office)! Avoid pesky environmental disposal fees! Annoy bulk mailers! Annoy the postal service when the busines ("junk mail") senders decline acceptance! It's a sender's paradise!"

2006-01-31 00:20:45

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