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Dog Luver said:

"How come DOG is never in an action shot? SHe's either laying down, or sitting, looking like she WANTS to lay down. Someone looks LAZY and spoiled rotten."

2005-08-08 18:08:15

Plumwin said:

"Unfortuntely you don't seem to understand that she is not an action packed dog. She is a rester."

2005-08-08 18:10:09

Andy said:

"Hey there, I clicked on your banner because it was questioning why anyone would want to live in Sacramento, and I just want to assure you that it's just as hot down here in Stockton! Actually, Lodi sounds good because the streets are wider and you can actually find a parking space. Yesterday wasn't all that bad, either, we actually got a bit of the Delta breeze. See ya!"

2005-08-10 13:43:15

Smoo searcher said:

"So why IS she smooth down there, and what exactly are we talking about here?"

2005-08-10 16:42:24

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