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Durpy said:

"Mmmmm... all the food groups- bacon, brats, and sausage."

2005-08-12 12:21:16

Smed said:

"I second the mmmmm.....posting. Mmmmm....blogs about bacon.....must stop drooling on keyboard...."

2005-08-12 14:21:01

tara said:

"lol it's so cute that you let your doggie post... : ) It's a cute idea, I might have to let my hamster do that sometime, if you don't mind... lol "

2005-08-12 18:33:17

iam4ranny said:

"LOL fun posting. The dog idea I have used myself but been awhile. Forgot how much I enjoyed it. You have a great sense of humor. Keep it up :)"

2005-08-12 20:39:15

Muffin said:

"Oh vey is mer, your banner cracked me up. "

2005-08-12 22:11:12

Muffin said:

"PS. Come see my entry on "Peanut the Mighty" from a few days back. My dog also enjoys some posting on Diaryland. "

2005-08-12 22:12:16

candoor said:

"and ain't that America (thank you John Mellancamp)... what, and the Dingo doesn't like donuts?... ok, so I had this orgy with several donuts on Friday myself... I only buy them when I go to my doctor for a check up because it is next door to the doctor's office... more ironically, I wrote about donuits on Friday... Syncronicity?... the Dingo is adorable... is Dingo a name or a breed?... I remember a diary named service-dog written by a dog who took care of a person, great diary... I like your brain... and your dog's brain too... and your banner, Mel Brooks comes to mind, and movie lines... anyway, hello from Orlando, FL, the other side of crazy :)"

2005-08-13 18:03:07

Plumwin said:

"Thanks for the compliments. Especially the Mel Brooks one! The Dingo is just what we call her as a joke, I think it's Australian? She is half border collie/half australian shepard. And yes, she loves donuts of course!"

2005-08-13 19:53:09

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