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Smed said:

"Weather? I'm with you - just type this in for here in the summmer: "Hot and humid - with a chance of thunderstorms" - repeat ad nauseum. Probably have lots of Spam and Treet, too, along with Jesus candles. Amen."

2005-08-19 06:22:25

RonTopofIt said:

"Ask and ye shall receive young rivercitydisliker..."

2005-08-19 20:07:08

elvisload said:

"had the exact same experience at Vons on New Stine Road... except THEY didn't have peanut oil...??? I was mortified."

2005-08-21 03:58:42

Erika said:

"you know what's sad about that senior and the animal killing her? they killed the bengal tiger after that. as if it was HIS fault they put a snooty senior in his cage and forced him to pose with her. Fuck, I would have attacked her too."

2005-08-24 15:54:07

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