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Smed said:

""Please see your doctor if your erection last more than four hours." No shit, Sherlock! Tom Sizemore is a skeevy mo-fo...."

2005-08-25 21:53:44

72 hour fantasy said:

""Its kind of like the donner party but with a little booze." And far more plastic bags, and newspapers, and shopping carts. Probably a lot louder than the Donner party too. How the heck is it that 30 tough gutsy settlers died coming to California, and now we can't swing a hobo's boot out here without hitting some lazy/crazy drunk idiot wheeling a shopping cart down the street yelling about how Jeasus helped his bunions. Can't we make another State entry test, and ship everyone back to St. Louis to start over?? Outta weed out a good chunk of the crazies"

2005-08-26 16:07:25

Plumwin said:

"My thoughts exactly! I have at least one psycho conversation a week in the blocks around my office. I have to admit its been the same group of whackos for years though so they're nice to me."

2005-08-26 16:46:39

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