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Smed said:

"Oooh, a Hooters! Wow, isn't that nice?? I thought they had inflitrated about as deeply as Starbucks, though. I still chortle when they try to pass it off as a family restuarant. The wings are tasty and the beer is cold, but they charge too much, I think, and it's due to the 'show'..."

2005-08-31 17:25:09

RonTopofIt said:

"You know why you are so cool, PW? Gault! Man, that's rich. You're genuine and that's hard to come by these days."

2005-08-31 17:50:53

RonTopofIt said:

"As for your bumper sticker encounter I suggest you google the phrase, "Where have all the hippies gone?" and sit back and enjoy. A poem by Ed Matlack should start you off. "Sittin� round tokin� on their dope, Legal per their doc, Or so they fervently hope...""

2005-08-31 20:05:41

Plumwin said:

"Great poem. I myself loved the quote about Bush though. "

2005-09-01 12:05:01

RonTopofIt said:

"Me, too! The thing is, there was a great sketch comedy show in the early 90's called "The State" and the one sketch I remember from it (actually there are two, the other revolves around puddin', but I digress) had to do with people threatening to harm the pres....and ever since I have been leery of even mentioning that subject. And this was all before the Patriot Act!"

2005-09-01 18:04:48

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