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Smed said:

"Couldn't the "True Love" license plate person be the incredibly impressive priest in the movie the "Princess Bride"?? Mawwwage..... I've often noticed that hard core Jesus freaks that have that stuff all over their car (the fish, the stickers for the Christian Radio station, the anti-abortion slogans) NEVER do more than the speed limit. EVER! And they're always in the middle lane of I-465 around Indianapolis and wonder why everyone is passing them. "

2005-09-06 14:34:25

M.Moore is a fat slob of a pig said:

"Open letter to Bush? Couldn't you have done something more productive like taking a displaced family into your own home? Awful easy to complain about inaction, and ignore the facts that 1) the La. gov and NO. mayor refused to issue manditory evacuations, and 2) I for one am GLAD that these lazy idiots didn't have the means to leave- that would mean that welfare is paying entirely too much to people for sitting on their porch and drinking malt liquor. Welfare was never ment to be a lifestyle- it was a stopgap measure to get people on their feet. When you make it a way of life for generations, this is what you get. Welfare is MINIMUM subsistance. When you are on welfare, if something bad happens, you are last in line. Good. I'd hope so. Justifies my getting up every damn day at 5:30 (M-F), going to work to provide for my family, and having the ability to leave when something bad is coming. Also, if Michael Moore could just lay off the Doritoes for 24 hours, ther'd be a lot more food and water for others who need it. Easy to blame. Hard to solve problems. Agreed that the FEDERAL response was underwelming, but what did La. expect? Finally, this is NOT a race thing- the same propotion of WHITE people in Miss. and other southern states are complaining about the lack of action. Jesus fish! HA!"

2005-09-06 17:15:43

Plumwin said:

"Deep breath, dude. Deep breath. "

2005-09-06 17:20:26

Smed said:

"You know, if some people called Rush a total fat slob they'd be all over us. Manditory - what grade did you finish sir. You with your generalizations about poor folks. Come live with my sister, if you dare. "

2005-09-06 20:59:38

M.Moore is a fat slob of a pig said:

"Rush is a big fat slob too. And I have more education that you can shake a stick at (and I'm paying for it). But more importantly, I have as many kids as I can afford to take care of. I don't live off the dole. I go to work to earn enough money to provide for my family- even if something big and bad happend. Yep- I made generalizations about poor folks. Poor folks on welfare as their sole means of support- for generations. I sure did make a generalization. You saying I'm wrong? You'd like to pay enough in taxes to keep the lazy masses in nice caddys so they would have the "means" to flee? No thanks. If you don't work, and are healthy enough to loot, you can rot. Not my problem. You caused it, now you live with it. That's what capilatism is all about. "

2005-09-07 14:30:24

Jonathan said:

"OMFG! I hate norcal drivers... its even worse around stockton. at least in socal every drives fast, even if they are driving lke they are blind :) I used to live in sac, still visit every so often ... i think iv tried to throw trash out myu window at that pink geo before :)"

2005-09-10 02:14:47

Ben said:

"Uhmm....welfare support for GENERATIONS? Are you sure you have a decent education? 'Cause uh, yeah - last I checked, Clinton signed a bill that kinda stopped that - so, uhm...yeah. Also, last I checked, you don't need a "nice caddy" to be able to save your life. Basically what you're saying is, if you can't afford any means of transportation, you deserve to die. I beg to differ and extend that into saying that YOU deserve to die. You're cold, heartless, and inhuman. ...and why shouldn't they expect the speedy help from FEMA that they were PROMISED even before the storm actually hit??? Florida got pretty damn quick help with their storms. Actually, as I recall, Flordians tend to be OVERcompensated for their "damages". Hmmmm. Jackass."

2005-09-13 17:44:47

M.Moore is a fat slob of a pig said:

"Ben, Clinton didn't sign ANYTHING that would have stopped your welfare payments just because yo momma was on it for 20 years. That might "violate your rights." But the families that are on welfare for generations bear some responsability for their own economic stagnation. If my Korean neighbor can go from getting off a boat with a pair of sandals and no knowledge of the English language to a nice home through hard work, I'm unwilling to belive that the "poor" in NO,LA are totally unable to extract themsevels from whatever cesspool they have decided to wallow in. I'm not saying that if you can't afford transportation you should die- I'm saying that if you DECIDE not to leave (you can always take the FREE bus, or the FREE train, or get a ride in the neighbors caddy), and you'd rather spend money on basketball shoes and Colt '45 (tm) instead, then you don't deserve assistance when the rains begin to fall and rise around your GOVERNMENT SUBSIDISED (i.e.: "free") housing. And by the way, the Floridians were given money to repair the homes THEY OWNED! You dolt, what is there to compensate these NOLA idiots for? They didn't OWN anything. Thus, it appears the jack is on the other ass. And you need to read a book on puncuation."

2005-09-13 18:24:53

plumwin said:

"Gentlemen, gentlemen! I think we can all agree that there is a group of people that are taking advantage of the system in more ways than one. This disaster is just one example. And a bad one, I know. I myself see women at the grocery store buying frosted donuts and sugar filled sodas with food stamps while I'm using coupons to buy Grape Nuts. I work full time, pay all my bills, and it pisses me off. "

2005-09-13 19:20:34

Ben said:

"Because of what Clinton signed, you can't be on welfare for 20 years anymore. There's a limit, and then you have to find work.( Many Floridians got money to "repair" their homes who weren't even close to the impacted areas. There're reports of people mearly asking for money to replace a mattress and receiving enough to buy cars worth much more than the ones they owned. There was a LOT of over spending, especially in counties where the storms never even hit. Hmmm...I'm sure that had absolutely nothing to do with Florida being a battleground state just before the upcoming elections. "I for one am GLAD that these lazy idiots didn't have the means to leave" So, that's not what you said? Seems to me like you don't want them to have the means to leave. By the way, A state of emergency was requested - and approved, I might add - BEFORE the storm even hit. Nobody refused to do that. As to my punctuation, I didn't realize I was being graded. So sorry to offend. At least I have my facts straight."

2005-09-14 12:19:33

M.Moore blah blah blah said:

"Ben, I feel your pain. Generational welfare support means that one generation after another gets welfare. I feel SO much better knowing that people can only get welfare for 20 years, and THEN have to work (unless they go on disability for asthma, ADD, allergies, etc.). Kicking yo mamma off welfare still lets YOU (the next generation) get welfare for 20 years. A "LOT" of reports? "MANY" Floridians? How nice. You got a citations for that? 'Cause if you don't, "MOST" people reading this think you're an illogical moroon. YES! As a Republican, I'D LIKE TO KILL EVERYONE THAT IS POOR. Is that what you are searching for? SHeesh. I guess "let people who have been sucking the system dry for generations fend for themselves" is now "kill everyone poor"?? How long would YOU like to support people who have 2 kids with different "daddys" every year? How much more in taxes would YOU like to pay? As for your being graded, you are the one that attacked my education claim. So put up or shut up. And you don't have ANY facts straight- "Most" "Many" and "LOTS" are not FACTS."

2005-09-14 13:57:42

Ben said:

"It's not 20 years, it's five years. Five. There is a 5-year benefit limit that Clinton signed in 1996 called the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act". Do I need to say the number again? Five years, NOT 20. Want more numbers? go here (,0,4751704.story?coll=sfla-news-utility), where the headline reads, "FEMA gave $21 million in Miami-Dade, where storms were 'like a severe thunderstorm'" or here (,0,4250631.story?coll=sfla-news-utility) to read about this: "Three Florida members of Congress on Monday called for investigations into how the federal government awards disaster aid and why at least 9,800 Miami-Dade applicants have received more than $21 million in Hurricane Frances assistance even though the storm inflicted little damage in the county." Go here (,0,6697347.storygallery?coll=sfla-news-utility) to read about this: "ORLANDO -- As nearly $1 billion in hurricane relief pours into Florida, federal auditors will begin a two-year inquiry this week into whether 3,000 inspectors properly verified damage claims and the Federal Emergency Management Agency provided sufficient oversight." Is that enough "put up" for you to "shut up", or would you like more facts, sir? I'm good at that, so if you want more statistics, I'd be more than obliged."

2005-09-14 17:57:54

Ben said:

"Also, you seem to have no knowledge or understanding of the definition of "subsidised". "adj : having partial financial support from public funds; "lived in subsidized public housing"" The key word in there being PARTIAL, as in NOT FREE. According to HUD, the government program that handles subsidised housing, it's based on your income. You can't be making over a certain amount depending on where you live and the number of people in your household, and you can qualify for having the difference of up to 30% of your household income from your cost of housing. In otherwords, at least 30% of your income is expected to go towards your own housing. You may also only qualify for this for a period of up to 42 months, in pre-aproved housing units - unless you have someone from HUD come check out and OK a place for you to live in. Read the examples on page four of this HUD pdf document for some information on the rules: ( or just browse the HUD website for yourself. Also, here's a pdf chart from HUD with some examples of income levels in different Louisiana cities: ( I'm sorry I gave specific information on some of my facts the first time but not on all of them. How convenient that you only mentioned that facts that I only used my own knowledge as a source on. Fortunately, that doesn't erase what I've already written, nor does it change the facts - which, just for you, I have now gone into more detail on. You know, there're also search engines like google if you're ever intersted in knowing something for yourself before you begin spewing about it."

2005-09-15 04:01:15

M.Moore blah blah blah said:

"Wow! You shore do know a lot about welfare. You must have been up all night not worrying about getting enough sleep for your job in the morning. And you sure did cite some examples. For each one, I'll show you a lazy, colt 45-swilling healthy NOLA resident who figures its easier to live that way than get a job. And your "subsidised" argument would make sense if HUD gave these lazy poor an OWNERSHIP interest. I still say that there is nothing to COMPENSATE the non-owners for if it wasn't THIER (ownership, not living there) property. And welfare should be totally abolished. The general citizenry of NOLA impacted by Katrina is perfect evidence of what generational dependance on wlefare leads to."

2005-09-15 10:53:42

Ben said:

"Yes, I do. I know a lot about a lot of legalities (I also know how to spell). I enjoy research and technical writing. My job entails a lot of reports. The one that I work 45+ hours a week that is. My wife also works about 30 hours a week as a Dispatcher for police. It helps have an easy connection to look at actual law books. My mother also worked in the court for 15 years. I, myself have dreams of becoming a senator, or some other public officer someday. So, yes, I do know a lot about a subject that I should expect to be asked a lot about. Oh, dear. I've used the phrase "a lot" a few times this time. Surely you can forgive me since you've been using it yourself and I was, afterall referring to arbitrarily inmearsurable figures. Yes, there are many people who figure out ways to get around and "beat" the system and abuse it. Such is the case with any law and all aspects of life. This is the reason we have police officers and judges. Even the wealthiest of individuals may be corrupt and abuse the law. Have you ever heard of Enron? I wash my hands of you. If you wish to remain ignorant, that is your decision to make. Have a swell life, Sir. I'm sure your hatred will keep you warm at night. P.S. If you doubt my enjoying research as a hobby, just click on my link and see what I spend my free time doing. ...Also, I rent. I don't own my house, but I do own everything in it. MANY (Do you need figures?) people rent. Subsidised or not, many, many, many people rent. Subsidised housing is still rented housing, albeit at a discounted rate. Have you ever been guilty of using a coupon? On any account, I have nothing else to say."

2005-09-15 12:10:14

M.Moore blah blah blah said:

"I'm a ma'am, not a sir. Good luck with all those reports. And feel free to kick down a little extra in taxes so I won't have to pay so much."

2005-09-15 12:50:08

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