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RonTopofIt said:

"Good call on the KATW thing. Yes, I used the acronym. That's only because their web site is and it was fresh on my mind as I had to look them up because I thought Katrina had passed away several years ago. I think I was thinking of Laura Brannigan. To further stray off topic, I noticed something when I visited this site. Those of us guys out there that are worried about balding I have the perfect solution. Become a rock star! Ever notice how aging rock stars never lose their hair? Just an observation..."

2005-09-09 18:10:37

plumwin said:

"You hit the needle on the head, Mr. RonTopofit. Also, my hubby adds, homeless people are always wearing excess rock star or homeless. Take your pick. "

2005-09-09 21:51:36

Vicki said:

"The gal with the Down's Syndrome banner is hysterical. You sounded like you didn't know who she was so I'm here to tell you. Please ignore me if I misinterpreted your statement. Anyway, you can find here at - she is actually blogging at another site but she has a redirect code to take you to her new site. Anyway, I'm here from your banner. I like the way you think, I'll be back again."

2005-09-12 15:11:24

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