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Smed said:

"Not a coke head, a meth head. Which is worse. She sounds like white trash personified that just got lucky (well, if you call being a hostage lucky)."

2005-09-28 23:17:35

plumwin said:

"I know, meth head. I tried to avoid the term out of pure grossness. "

2005-09-29 09:51:01

natalie said:

"I love using the roach coach to fight obesity. Remember the super fat little kid who seemed to live in the one that came to the net?"

2005-09-29 12:42:52

plumwin said:

"Ok Natalie, I wasn't going to bring her up but since you did....yes, of course I remember her. She was my first thought upon seeing the sign. Basically the daughter of the owner of the Roach Coach closest to where we used to work together (no names please) was like five years old and weighed twice as much as me. Sad. "

2005-09-29 13:04:37

RonTopofIt said:

""It is in both our ethical and economic interests to strive to improve the quality of our service over time and make sure you, our valued customers, are happy." Tell me more, Save My Ass! dot com, about Ethics and Quality, please."

2005-09-29 15:54:21

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