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Smed said:

"The self check lines at the Kroger here in BFE land are miserable, but for different reasons. They're so touchy, and the fascist staff is insufferable. But they still stink. Sorry about the bread."

2005-11-01 22:20:19

Reader Number 5 said:

"Hmmm. And I have been bemoaning the craptastic revamping of the Safeway on Alhambra. Perhaps it has been trumped by the abject inefficiencies of the Albertsons. But I don't generally shop the Albertsons. Allow me to plug a store that does typically give me great product and service just down the street from Albertsons, the Trader Joe's on Folsom. Great food and good prices."

2005-11-02 13:43:21

Plumwin said:

"Thanks for being Reader Number 5 and thanks for the comment. I do shop at that TJs pretty much every week but I still see the need for an Albertons/Safeway type run when I want the 'extras' that TJs doesn't carry."

2005-11-02 18:44:18

Jeff said:

"Those self-service checkouts are an evil conspiracy, I tell you. Next thing you know customers will find themselves stocking the shelves and butchering their own meat. If I wanted DIY groceries, I'd being a fucking farmer."

2005-11-03 00:07:22

plumwin said:

"An evil conspiracy? Perfect. I agree. Why in the world am I scanning my own groceries? They are paying someone to WATCH me scan them too. When they start asking me to butcher my own meat, those chickens in our backyard have had it. "

2005-11-03 09:41:12

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