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RonTopofIt said:

"Plus, the drink in public thing is really vintage Las Vegas. And it's day time! Well done."

2005-11-16 15:12:12

Smed said:

"Gah! The eyes! The eyes!"

2005-11-16 15:12:42

Svatus McCool said:

"OMG! What is my wife doing in VEGAS? She said she'd be at a friend's house all weekend. And that OUTFIT- if she'd wear stuff like that a little more often, I'd be all over her!! GrrrOWL!"

2005-11-16 15:17:26

Plumwin said:

"I aim to please. She was HOT. I could have taken hundreds of pictures of girls just like her but they were scaring me. "

2005-11-16 16:16:56

natalie said:

"You really couldn't capture it any better. I have seen that size drink refered to as "the bone" before, which makes it twice as terrifying. "

2005-11-16 17:53:42

Plumwin said:

"What was even more funny is that the bag she was carrying was from the Playboy store which only sold tiny, tiny lingerie items for tiny, tiny people. "

2005-11-16 19:35:04

natalie said:

"Whaaaat bitch, you sayin she can't fit in that thong? Ohh she will prove you wrong."

2005-11-16 20:53:25

djarumgurl said:

"oh, you are terrible.....haaaaaaaaa"

2005-11-17 16:48:02

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