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Reader #5 said:

"Hey there Plumwin. Like I wouldn't want to hear your hilarious story about having been a waitress at a Chinese restaurant (in your dreams!-ha!). That was some good stuff. Separately, I was touched by your tale of thoughts of needing to be found by a coworker or some such from your single days. Thus, I came in especially to wish you a happy Valentines day and to say how pleased I am for you for having found someone who will undoubtedly rush to your side when you have fallen and can't get up. Best, #5."

2006-02-14 13:59:23

Plumwin said:

"I am both pleased that you could be 'touched' by anything I have written and fearful that you might be my dad in undercover mode. :)"

2006-02-14 14:12:11

Mr. Plumwin said:

"Hey! A second job?! That's a GREAT idea! And it'll give us some extra dough for that special Valentines Day trip we've been talking about for ... uh... jeez- 3 years now? Am on it."

2006-02-14 17:06:06

plumwin said:

"Good one, Mr. The reason the dream was so funny was the image of me already doing everything I'm doing AND getting a second job. "

2006-02-14 17:37:40

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