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i've fallen at 6:14 pm

I recently was viewing some crappy tv (shocking!) and came across this ad. Hmmmmm� As a single girl through most of my 20�s, I was always fearful of some household mishap that would leave me dead and undiscovered for days. I even joked to friends at work that it would take them at least three days to wonder where I was. Here was my answer. I could have worn the necklace and been safe all the time.

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the end of a dill era at 3:04 pm

I�m fully aware that I am unintentionally plugging the exact place I don�t want to plug. I tend to do that by writing things like this and then getting 100 referrals from folks googling �moldy shredded cheese� and �soft ice cream.�

I recently wrote about this atrocity honing into our fair city. It's the post entitled latest Sac blight and my stance hasn't changed a bit.

This week has seen this particular blot on the landscape get a lot of attention that I�m sure isn�t going unnoticed by most of us who live around here. Mr. Pickles had its grand opening on Thursday. How do I know this? I was driving down Folsom Blvd. About noon and there was a line of people wrapped around the corner waiting to get a sandwich. Unbelievable. I think that says a lot about what we�re looking for and that�s not a good thing. Luckily, since this was during the week, I can blame it on people who live in the suburbs and simply work downtown. It can be difficult to find a decent place for lunch within walking distance that doesn�t have exorbitant prices but please, there�s a Togos not 50 yards from this place! At least Togos can make a good sandwich without looking like a mini amusement park at the same time.
Friday�s drive into work really put me over the edge. Good Day Sacramento was reporting LIVE from this place. I know it�s Good Day Sacramento and all but was there really so few places to do a live shot that they had to pick this? Ugh. I, of course, circled the block to finally get my shot of their mascot. I stopped in front of him and snapped a bunch of shots while he frantically waved at me and tried to get me to smile at him. I gave him the finger. Take that Mr. Pickles!

The Good Day truck making a hasty retreat hopefully to McDonalds:

The freakin pickle man!

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motivate me at 6:10 pm

This morning when Mr. Plumwin left for work I waved goodbye as I sat in my pjs, slurping coffee hunched over the computer. I took a shower, got all ready for work, and started on my drive. As I approached my office, he called my cell and reported he was just approaching I5. What? How is that possible? He left forever ago. Thank you Elizabeth Bishop for pointing out that the �Roads were jammed with people wanted to get motivated.�

Who knew that Joe Montana could lead to such a crunch? If 10,000 people caused today's mess, what are we going to do in five years when we add 25,000? Think, people, think.

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tv dog at 10:42 am

I admit to watching the WGN Superstation because I have horrible taste and they have some of the worst programming out there. It�s the only place I can catch Becker, Happy Days, Soul Train, Magnum, P.I., and Ultimate Arena Paintball all in one weekend! The other day I was backing out of a parking spot next to a nice gentleman who was standing next to his car with a boxer on leash letting him do his business. As I made my way out of the spot I couldn�t help but notice that the WGN has another fan. I am not alone.

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smooth move ladies at 10:46 am

There are certain days when leaving the house for pretty much anything can be a disaster. You know the late Christmas shoppers, the florist on Valentines Day, etc. Today�s trip to Safeway at 8am was one of those days. Yes, I know it�s Super Bowl Sunday but I didn�t realize that I overlooked a key element of the day. It seems that every wife/girlfriend/female in their life decided that if the man in their life wanted to eat crap all day and drink beer, he should do the shopping himself. Today�s demographic was all men and one woman (me) in the store. This is a huge reversal of the normal crowd, which usually includes one man and the rest females. Guys, I give you the list of why you can�t shop:

1. Blocking the aisle with your cart so no one can get by is not accepted behavior.
2. You cannot ask the butcher to take a wrapped package of ground beef and make the patties for you.
3. Bags of charcoal will crush those eggs on the bottom and you should have realized that beforehand. This also applies to a case of Budweiser on top of three bags of potato chips.
4. Bring a list.
5. Calling your wife every five minutes to ask her what is next on the list is annoying. Refer to #4
6. Buy one get one free does not mean bring one bag of chips to the register and expect the bagger to go get the �free� one. You bring them both up to the counter.
7. All items have to go up on the conveyer belt. You can�t just tell the checker what else you have in your cart when you run out of room.
8. Coupons are presented at the time of the sale, NOT after you�ve gone out to your car and retrieved them afterward.
9. No one has written a check at the grocery store since 1970. That�s why the checker doesn�t have a pen.

Lastly, to the stunning gentleman who asked me if I could list all the ingredients and directions so he could make lasagna from scratch. Any other time I would have obliged but your species was in rare form today and I felt compelled to send you to the frozen aisle to get a frozen one. Stouffers lasagna isn�t half bad.

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dill obsession at 7:57 am

I found this bit courtesy of eonline:

DISMISSED: An appeals court in new York tossing a multi-million-dollar lawsuit brought by a man who claims a radio station's Britney Spears hoax was responsible for his wife's death when she fell and hit her head outside the station's headquarters upon seeing a Spears impersonator.

It is a sad story but when I shared it with Mr. Plumwin his response was, "Something like that is going to happen to you if you don't quit trying to get a shot of Mr. Pickles." Oh, yeah. He's got a point. I've been trying to get a good shot of the crazy guy dressed as a pickle for a few weeks now. I love him and want to share him in all his dill glory. I admit to leaning out the car window while driving down 65th trying to get a shot of him and something bad could definitely happen. I am a little obsessed. It all makes sense to me though. Mr. Pickles is my Britney Spears.

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waddle, waddle at 1:27 pm

February is National Get Your Butt in Gear month so I thought I�d point out a recent trend here in Sacramento. It�s bad enough that the UPS drivers can literally stop anywhere, turn on their hazards, and deliver a package but when did this practice become commonplace for obese people as well? Today on my way back from lunch I saw this for at least the fifth time this week. A woman pulled up to the Subway on J Street, double-parked, turned on her hazards, and went inside to get a sandwich. How do I know this? I stood on the corner and waited to see what she was going to do and she was just getting a sandwich. Well, two actually. When did the obese get more rights than the disabled? Today was one too many for me. The next time I see this, I�m going to say something and it won�t be too nice. Slim down and park like human beings people!

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