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TGI stop at 2:43 p.m.

I�ve virtually eliminated spam in the inbox of my regular email account due to the name change (marriage does help in some creative way!) but my �other� email account is filled. I am getting the daily barrage of emails about viagra and what not but lately I�ve noticed the offers are unbearably ridiculous. I am been offered a new mortgage with a �4.5% interest rate. You mean you�re going to pay me to take a loan with you? I think that falls under the too good to be true category. Who are they expecting to respond to these things? I mean, I�m sure people do and that�s sad. They are preying on the innocent�er, stupid.

I�m reluctant to talk about anything for fear of offending which I�ve recently done to someone. I am going to take the high road and just say that my blog is what I�M thinking. What part of that don�t you understand? Yes, it may not interest you and yes, it may seem trivial and chock full of useless stories and articles but it�s mine. I find it entertaining and I decide. That�s how it works. It�s mine.

Get a clue dude. This isn't cool at all. You should know better. You just come off as lame.

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