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All things ugly at 9:54 a.m.

I've been not keeping up with my diary because...well, because I'm lazy. But here goes:

These are my favorite two picks of celebrity overkill for the week. Ugly and way uglier.

I'm a little concerned about this sad story. First off, Dick Clark had more than a 'mild stroke' as they keep trying to tell us. Please. He's been in the hospital for months. That is not normal. I'm sure he is close to death. And now Ed? Sadly, I think the days of those Blooper shows may be coming to an end.

Even though I'm married, I am still tickled if a cute guy give me the time of day. At all. It's still flattering and still appreciated. Yesterday I was driving home and a speedy little Jetta whizzed by me with a cute guy who made direct eye contact and smiled. I thought 'wow' that's nice. Then we came up next to each other at a light and I demurely glanced over and saw them. Beanie Babies! On his dashboard. I don't care who the car belongs to, swipe those babies onto the floor. I have half a mind to swerve into him just for fun.

I just spent about 15 minutes getting a small morsel of bacon out from between the g & the h on my keyboard. My eating at my desk activities are so out of control. Seriously, I consume 99% of my food intake on top of this keyboard.

A. and I recently got on board with Netlix. Yes, we are like four years behind everyone in the general public. We're well aware. Everytime I tell someone their first response is "You JUST got Netflix?" as if I just discovered cars over a horse and buggy. Bottom line, it rocks. For $17 a month we get unlimited viewing of whatever strikes our fancy. Plus, we never have to go to the video store and give those fascists our money again. The downside is that A. gets to pick movies too. Everytime I check our list, there are more and more 'strange' movies on there. But last week I started noticing that they all had this weird prefix: MST3K I thought that was some acronym for an award or something. Turns out (of course!) it's Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Gads. If you don't know what that is,
go here! People have gotten divorced over less than this.

Lastly, my new hair color is an 'off red' color that is anything but attractive. The fact that I bought the box on the end cap at Target with the 'discounted items' should have tipped me off.

Sorry honey, but this is a prime example of the legal system at its best.

I called a vendor of ours yesterday at work that I had gotten a bid for. It's a big, pricey project and there was an extra $400 for "insane delivery" that I just couldn't figure out. Was it 'insane' to deliver to our building? Did we have an 'insane' location? Was talking to me during the course of the bidding process an indication that we would all just flat out be 'insane' hence the charge? After he stopped laughing, my rep told me that it was a typo. It was inside delivery.

The girl over the wall from me asked if I burped yesterday. I was chugging a Diet Coke at full speed. "No, that was my stapler" I replied. Good one.

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