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The W Factor at 12:30 pm

I know that Walmart says that yesterday�s shopping extravaganza showed a strong beginning to this year�s holiday season but how can we ignore this and this and this? I don�t think these stories are all made up and I find it hysterical that Walmart bills itself as the store where everyone shops when clearly it is the store where uncivilized, rude morons shop. Don�t get me wrong, I�m all for a trip to Target and I love me a sale as much as the next person, but Walmart attracts a whole different breed. Moving forward, I am now labeling these folks �the W factor� and I�m sorry to say that I don�t want to be part of this new movement. Are we really so cheap that we�d wait in line for 12 hours and elbow someone out of the way to save $30 on a laptop? Are we so insensitive that we�d shove our cart past an old man to save $10 on a blender? Are we so barbaric that we�d carjack a nice couple to make our returns? (thanks Sac Rag, classic material) I think I am stating the obvious when I say that these types of things don�t seem to be happening at Macys or anywhere else for that matter. They are Walmart specific. I, for one, am going to continue my lifelong ban of Walmart (yes, I�ve never been!) and leave �the W factor� to themselves this season.

Cat in the hat:

Shout out to the dork in the Audi at Trader Joes this morning. License plate: AUDIAIR Yes, we see it�s a convertible and thus, audiair must have sounded like a fun play on words. We did all see you press the lock/unlock button on your keyring and go over and check the doors 10 or 15 times while we waited for the store to open. We also watched you do something which made you unable to open the door the last time causing you to pull and pull and then bend down and pretend to putz with a ding in the door or something. Thanks for the morning entertainment. � this morning�s TJs shoppers

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