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plumwin at gmail dot com

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So Sue Me at 9:23 a.m.

Big grin for yet another fun lawsuit. Maybe my site should be dedicated to frivolous lawsuits?

If you need help this turkey day then here's the place to be. I just find it odd that one would call for help making dinner. How hard is it to read the directions and just use a thermometer?

Ok, that was a mystical bunch of crap(above) so now I must do what I've been dreading since I started this. My mini-bio just so you can get a quick feel for me (mind out of gutter, yes you)

Age: 34

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 100

I've been told that I look like the French actress Juliette Binoch but don't read too much into that. Basically I look like I'm 10 and constantly get carded. Which isn't a bad thing I guess.

I'm recently married (one whole year!) and the husband (to be known as A. from now on) is a lawyer. I'm in marketing. Good to go!

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