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methuse at 10:58 am

There's not a lot to say today considering everyone is focused on Katrina and all the devastation. I thought I would lighten the mood a bit by commenting on one of our own former city councilmen who was yet again busted for drugs. Dude. You're making us look bad and we so can't afford that here. I guess I need to stop my Bush bashing as here's a politician that is in my own backyard going bad. This guy has less upstairs than Courtney Love.

Also, the stuff on Sac Rag is getting to be a bit much. Don't take offense. I just think they've ratcheted up the bar real quickly. Still insteresting reading.

And if you need help donating, Red Cross says they aren't going to blow it like they did with 9/11.

I'm actually going to plug Noah's Wish as they help rescue animals in disaster situations. My husband is trying to hit me up for an orangutan right now. He just wants to house it for a short time.

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