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stillcrazy at 1:29 p.m.

It has been a rough week. I have a lot going on and it is so damn hot that everything seems more overwhelming that it really needs to be. We had to change phone providers and combine the whole account into a package with tv and cell and DSL, etc. and I could barely stand to pay attention when the rep was talking. I swear it's the heat. I'm also an irate bitch in the car. I mean more so than usual this week. I'm surprised I haven't run someone over yet. I wouldn't be shocking anytime as I've always called Sacramento the 'home for jaywalkers'. Seriously. I didn't grow up here and I've never seen a city where so many people are a. on foot and b. have no clue how a crosswalk or a green light are meant to be used. I think we have a very high pedestrian death rate here. Drive around for about 10 minutes and you'll see why.

I'm almost over my Tom Cruise obsession but did stumble across the fact that an entire CITY backs me up now. How cool is that? A whole city that actually states that someone is just too weird to be there and they flat out don't want him there. I can think of a lot of people that could be said about but the fact that its Mr. Hot Shot Tom Cruise makes me giddy.

At least once a week, (ok, sometimes more frequently) I come across a new hipster slang word and I'm embarrassed to find that I have no clue what it means. Today's is doo-rag. If anyone cares, this is what to expect.

I'm addicted to the Craig's List missed connections section obviously and I'm constantly amused by what some folks deem a missed connection. This bitch session about the heat just annoyed me though. Today it will probably be about 106 degrees here. It is normal for July. It's Sacramento and yes, it's fucking hot. It's hot EVERY SINGLE SUMMER so GET OVER IT. I've lived here for seven years and I just can't get over how many Sac natives STILL bitch about the weather. Please move already.

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