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zendium fresh mint at 2:49 pm

My husband I went to Aruba for our honeymoon last year. On our second day there, we ran out of toothpaste somehow. I think one of us forgot to pack any (me) and the other packed a tube with like a quarter inch left (him). We went to the local grocery store, which was as big as a Safeway but had almost no American products. Everything is Dutch. So we chose Zendium, a Dutch brand of toothpaste that would be equal to Crest here. They didn�t have a travel size tube so we had to buy a regular one. This tube obviously came home with us and for the next several months become a source of ridicule during teeth brushing time. All of the writing on the Zendium tube was in Dutch so every time my husband brushed his teeth he would say (loudly, in a really bad German accent), �Zendium, Met Fresh Mint!� and then proceed to brush his teeth like a normal person. Remember those old Mentos commercials? Like that. Finally the tube ran out and that was the end of the show.

A few weeks ago I thought it would be funny to order him a new tube. I googled and searched the web and then became obsessed until I found this handy Dutch online drugstore. They had Zendium! The pricing was all in euros but they were nice enough to break it all down for me and it looked like I could get a tube from Amsterdam to Sacramento for under $10. What a deal. I ordered and forgot all about it. Yesterday my husband calls to say he�s received a package from Holland. When I get home from work and take a look I had to laugh. The box looks like it�s been to hell and back. I didn�t pay for any special shipping but it looks like they sent this thing around the globe the wrong way and it�s all beat up and dented, etc. It�s clearly been through god knows how many customs agents and it clearly has a sticker on the side that says �Contents: 1 toothpaste� so how dangerous could it have been? Regardless, he now can start up his teeth brushing comedy show. My only fear is that I�ve now made it onto some type of terror list. I mean I don�t think it�s normal to order a �tube of toothpaste� from Amsterdam now is it? I bet you the feds are going through my library records right now.

The Outsiders was my favorite movie as a young person. In fact, I saw it eleven times in the theatre. Eleven times! I�ve never seen any other movie more than once in a theatre. In fact, I rarely ever watch a movie more than once even if it�s on tv. The husband though? He could watch the same movie over and over like it�s brand new.
Typical conversation in our house while tv has been stopped at a channel during incessant flipping:
Me: We�ve (or You�ve or I�ve) already seen this movie
Him: So?
Me: Why watch it again?
Him: Why not? Me: But I don�t want to watch it again. I already know what happens.
Him: Then go watch tv in another room or find something else to do.

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