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Ali = Chicken at 2:58 p.m.

Today's page is mostly rants as I'm just fed up with everything. For starters: Before I got married I had a boyfriend for most of my 20s and he was Chinese. I am very (probably overly) sensitive with certain asian customs and feel ok about commenting on them due to my x-girlfriend status.

1. Caucasian people at a chinese restauarant that ask for chopsticks. Please don't. You look absolutely ridiculous when you do this. If there are american utensils at the table (you know, fork, spoon, etc.) just use them. Trust me, the asian folks are using them too. They do know how. Asking for chopsticks doesn't make you 'culturally diverse' like you think it does. It makes you look dumb. Plain and simple.

2. It's never ok to refer to people as Oriental. Never. No, I'm not trying to be politcally correct or anything like that. It's just rude. Rugs are oriental. That's it.

Ok, done with that.

This poor sap makes me sad. He reminds me of my dad when my mom left when I was a teenager. My dad didn't do anything this drastic but he made of fool of himself just the same. It was close to Christmas and he bought her this hideous pendant from this dysfunctional jewelry store which is just sad. My mom is not the type to wear anything from this store and tried to play nice when she opened the box. This guy with the ad is just plain desperate.

I loved this story because I can picture it in my head and it's funny. Yes it is.

Please read this reminder that Albertsons really does suck.

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